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Farewell MSHS

Reflecting on Perseverance, Work Ethic, and Humility from Sports Legends
Senior Dylan Wiese plans to attend Creighton University and study Biology on the Pre-Med track.
Senior Dylan Wiese plans to attend Creighton University and study Biology on the Pre-Med track.

Well, it is official. It is true when people say that high school graduation comes out of nowhere. I am not going to bore you with exaggerated stories of perseverance and how important it is to be involved during high school. So, since nobody wants to hear advice from the guy who reports the score, I thought I would show a few famous athletes who I feel have qualities that anyone can learn from and hope that I can add to my own life.

Tom Brady- Perseverance

I know I said that I wasn’t going to bore you with stories of perseverance but I feel like this story applies to life and high school. For those of you who have lived under a rock for the last two decades, Tom Brady was picked 199th overall in the draft and went on to become the greatest football player of all time. Obviously, there are a lot of things that contributed to Tom Brady’s success, but I feel that the greatest one is his perseverance, which I think fits nicely with high school. If the first, second or even third year of high school does not go your way, with a lot of perseverance, you can still turn around how you will look back on your four years of high school.

Stephen Curry- Work Ethic

This fits closely with perseverance, but I feel like it is important enough to go into a category of its own. Few athletes have ever put in the amount of effort and dedication into getting better like Stephen Curry. This can be applied to the classroom as well as the rest of your life. There is a common phrase that school is what you make of it and if you apply yourself with a good work ethic you are going to get a lot more out of school.

JJ Watt- Humility

There is no more important or better trait to have than humility, and JJ Watt is one of the athletes that exemplifies this better than most. Humility doesn’t just mean that you don’t brag about yourself constantly. Oftentimes, it means that you are willing to do something that no one else wants to do. It can be the hardest part of a group project or having a willingness to serve in the community like JJ Watt has but by showing humility, you can advance a lot further and get more out of your life.

I’m sure there are plenty of other athletes and characteristics that are incredibly important and beneficial to life, but these are the best ones that I can think of. So, I say farewell to everyone that has been a part of my time at MSHS and I hope that I was able to leave a positive impact on this school as I move on to my next chapter.

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